NSE Family Business clients’ are looking to improve the performance of their business, create healthy and strong family relationships and build the next generation of leaders. Family businesses have an extraordinary opportunity and challenge in ensuring that family members thrive in: family, business and ownership environments.
Our role as “business and family” facilitators is to assist the family in developing behavior, communication and governance strategies that ensure that each family member finds their safe space**, and from there, learns to contribute positively to both the family and the business. NSE partners with Veritage Family Office, leveraging and utilizing their proven methodologies, tools and global expertise. Veritage's mission is to "Ensure the Legacy of Family Business Through Emotional Governance".
Visit Veritage for more details: ** https://veritage.ca
Individual coaching is the foundation to the success of our methodology.
NSE is here to serve you, regardless of your location and family circumstance. We meet you, exactly where you are!
We offer:
Individual one on one coaching
Family meeting facilitation
Family meetings - education, knowledge sharing & discussion
Emotional Governance creation / Family Charter
Transition / Gift of generations
Planning & Facilitation of Family Retreats
Lead Family and Organizational Workshops
DISC Assessment Services
Contact us today!
"The greatest component of a family of wealth is the family itself" - Veritage core belief
Five Principles of Good Governance: Legitimacy & Voice, Direction, Performance, Accountability, Fairness (United Nations Development Program)
How engaged or invested are you in the pursuit of happiness of those you love?
Do you know their goals, passions & dreams?
We believe that everyone wants 3 things:
Legacy - a world that has been impacted and touched by your presence, your joy, and your positive actions
Copyright NSE Coaching & Leadership